Digital technology has revolutionized the practice of dentistry at every level. Our dentist, Dr. Bryan Bumpas, and our team use digital dentistry in Edmond, Oklahoma, to give you the highest possible level of care and service. If you would like to learn more or plan your visit with us, call our office at 405-282-6444.
When it comes to caring for your smile, we use digital technology to produce the best possible results for each facet of your visit. Our dentist will use digital imaging to evaluate the condition of your smile, look for potential oral health problems and create your customized treatment plan. This technology also allows us to store and retrieve your dental information and records, and easily send them to another care provider or your insurance company. And it can help us keep your information safe from people who have no business accessing it. Finally, digital dentistry allows us to decrease our carbon footprint and lessen our impact on the environment.
Our team will be happy to explain to you how we use digital technology to improve your dental care and protect your information. Call Prairie Dental today and schedule your appointment with our dentist.