Your smile is a complex system, and it needs care and attention to make sure that it stays clean and healthy. While there a number of issues that can occur with your mouth and teeth, our dentist, Dr. Bryan Bumpas, and the team at Prairie Dental can help. In the links below, you can learn more about how we can address your dental concerns in Edmond, Oklahoma. We invite you to contact our office at 405-282-6444 to learn more and plan your visit.
Good oral health is a must in order to enjoy good general health. Your smile is connected to your body in a variety of ways. Problems with your mouth and teeth can make it difficult for you to eat and speak as you should, and depending on the severity of your problem, you may find that some of your favorite foods are off of your menu. But more importantly, tooth infections and especially gum disease can cause problems that reach beyond your smile. Gum disease in particular can contribute to problems such as cardiovascular and respiratory issues, create complications for diabetes, and may even play a role in the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. If you develop a problem with your teeth or oral tissues, or if you just notice something out of the ordinary with your smile, call our team for an appointment with our dentist.