Some of the treatments we provide at Prairie Dental require a local anesthetic to ensure your comfort during your visit. This anesthetic is administered via an injection into your gums. Our office features the Onset® painless injection system in Edmond, Oklahoma, to help ensure a more pleasant appointment and let you avoid the sensation of the injection. Simply put, the Onset system combines two chemicals that work with the pH levels in your body. This system effectively takes the stinging sensation out of the injection.

In conjunction with the Onset system, our dentist will also use the Aseptico computer-assisted electronic syringe, which can block the nerves that transmit the pain signals to your body. And because details matter, we also use an anesthetic warmer to make sure that entire process does not cause you any discomfort.

Over 75% of adults experience some form of dental anxiety, and pain is one of their top concerns. If pain is an issue for you, call us today at 405-282-6444. We want you to always have a positive experience at our practice, and we are confident in making you comfortable through any treatment. Dr. Bryan Bumpas can see you for an appointment and tell you how we can make your visit easier.